The Minister of Patents Dong-Cheol BAE and one of his colleagues from MORANBONG Patent &Trademark Firm, the largest IP agency in DPRK, visited our company on November 2, 2007. The two parties made a friendly communication on the patents and trademarks systems in DPRK and China.

The Chairman of Huize Mr. Jun Zhao and the Vice-president of Huize Ms. Yingling Zhang held a welcome reception for them.

The vice-president of Huize Ms. Yingling Zhang made a brief introduction of Huize to our guests, from the profile of Huize and its technical experts to its main practice areas. In addition, Ms. Yingling Zhang made a detailed introduction to the latest developments and improvements in China¡¯s IP system and the inspiring prospect of increasing applications of patents and trademarks in China.

MORANBONG Patent &Trademark Firm is a famous IP agency in DPRK mainly specialized in foreign IP affairs relate to patents and trademarks. It has 13 years of practicing experience in IP field and business cooperation with over 800 IP firms in 100 countries worldwide. At the meeting, the Minister of Patents Dong-Cheol BAE made a thorough and elaborate explanation and analysis on the DPRK¡¯s IP system and IP attorney system and introduced to us MORANBONG¡¯s practice areas.

The warm and friendly communication in the meeting enabled the two parties got a better mutual understanding of the characteristics and difference in the application procedure between the two systems in DPRK and China from IP application to grant of IP rights.

The two parties were both looking forward to establishing long last and friendly business cooperation at the end of the meeting.